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Phantom Auto #2
Venue address
464 Boston Post Rd
Orange, CT
United States
Phantom Auto #2

Massive Autonomous Vehicle Component Inventory Over $2mm of New & Used Parts! SICK | Allen Bradley | Siemens |NVIDIA

Auction dates
Starts: Nov 04, 2024 09:00 AM ET
Ends from: Nov 12, 2024 11:00 AM ET
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By appointment only
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We found 330 items matching your search
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(4) PEPPERL+FUCHS INX360D-F99-I2E2-V15 Inclination Sensor
(4) PEPPERL+FUCHS INX360D-F99-I2E2-V15 Inclination Sensor
(4) PEPPERL+FUCHS INX360D-F99-I2E2-V15 Inclination Sensor
(4) PEPPERL+FUCHS INX360D-F99-I2E2-V15 Inclination Sensor
(4) PEPPERL+FUCHS INX360D-F99-I2E2-V15 Inclination Sensor
(4) PEPPERL+FUCHS INX360D-F99-I2E2-V15 Inclination Sensor
(4) PEPPERL+FUCHS INX360D-F99-I2E2-V15 Inclination Sensor
(10) Sick FX3-CPU000000 Flexi Soft Safety Controllers
(10) Sick FX3-CPU000000 Flexi Soft Safety Controllers
(10) Sick FX3-CPU000000 Flexi Soft Safety Controllers
(10) Sick FX3-CPU000000 Flexi Soft Safety Controllers
(10) Sick FX3-CPU000000 Flexi Soft Safety Controllers
(12) Schaltbau Contactors; PN: AFS819A/24K US 24; New In Box
(4) Allen Bradley 100S-C23EJ14C Contactors: New In Box
(4) Allen Bradley 100S-C23EJ14C Contactors: New In Box
Lot of Binder Type 77-9753-9753-14708-0030 Connecting Cable
(5) LED Safety Warning Lights; New In Box
(5) LED Safety Warning Lights; New In Box
(5) LED Safety Warning Lights; New In Box
(5) LED Safety Warning Lights; New In Box
(5) LED Safety Warning Lights; New In Box
(4) Puls Dimensions CD5.242 DC/Dc Converter; New In Box
(4) Puls Dimensions CD5.242 DC/Dc Converter; New In Box
(4) Puls Dimensions CD5.242 DC/Dc Converter; New In Box
(4) Puls Dimensions CD5.242 DC/Dc Converter; New In Box
(38) OONO Forward & Reverse Relay Modules; F-1020; New In Box
(13) Schaltbau Contactors; PN: AFS819A/24K US 24; New In Box
(13) Schaltbau Contactors; PN: AFS819A/24K US 24; New In Box