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Smith & Wesson Precision Components
Venue address
12 Bridge Street
Deep River, CT
United States
Smith & Wesson Precision Components

Injection Molding & Ancillaries, Machine Tools, Inspection, 3D Printer, Air Compressors, Chillers, Cranes, Box Truck and More

Auction dates
Starts: Nov 18, 2024 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: Nov 21, 2024 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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There are 164 lots within this auction
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Pelletron RC Deduster Unit
Ball & Jewell Model D.D. Material Mixer
Ricelake Rough Deck Approx. 10000-Lb Cap. Platform Pallet Scale
Ricelake Rough Deck Approx. 10000-Lb Cap. Platform Pallet Scale
Bridge Crane System
BT Prime Mover Model RR30C 3000-Lb Cap. Narrow Aisle Forklift
Bridge Crane System
Bridge Crane System
Grob 1/2-Ton Wall Mount Jib Crane
2-Ton Monorail Crane
Bridge Crane System
Wittmann Model Q8V-U120 Dual Zone 7-Ton Each Total 14-Ton Chiller
Sullair Model LS10 25-HP Air Compressor
Quincy EcoDry Model QED200 Air Dryer
Approx. 300-Gallon Air Expansion Tank
120-Gallon Air Expansion Tank
Recirculating Water Cooling Tank
Ricelake 10000-Lb Cap. Platform Pallet Scale
MTA TWEevo Tech 10-Ton Chiller Manual # 38178801173
MTA TWEevo 6-Ton Chiller Model TWEEVO081
Cybex Model FT-325/18000 Universal Workout Machine
Cybex Treadmill w/ Digital Display
Cybex Model 525R Sitdown Cycling Machine
Cybex Model 525AT Elliptical Running Machine
Cybex Treadmill w/ Digital Display
Rubberized Dumbbell Set w/ Rack
Hoist Inclined Workout Bench
Medicine Ball Set w/ Rack
(45) Sections of One over One Employee Lockers
(36) Sections of One over One Employee Lockers
(21) Sections of One over One Employee Lockers
(6) 72
(2) TBH Type LN260 Multi-Chamber Fume Extractors
(3) Jimani Inc/TBH Multi-Chamber Fume Extractors
(2) Jimani Inc/TBH Type LN230 Multi-Chamber Fume Extractors
(2) Fumex Model FA1-D Fume Extractors
Fumex Model FA2SSD Fume Extractor
3D Systems Model Laserform Oven/Kiln