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Gavlick Machinery Corp
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100 Franklin St
Bristol, CT
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Gavlick Machinery Corp

Final Clearance Sale for Ferrous and non Ferrous wire equipment – Everything must go! Includes High Capacity Fork Lifts, Coilers, Welders, Draw blocks

Auction dates
Starts: Nov 25, 2024 09:00 AM ET
Ends from: Dec 03, 2024 10:00 AM ET
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By appointment only
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There are 95 lots within this auction
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Fenn 4-F Swager Dies
Fenn Model 3A 2-Die Swager;
Inventory of Cable Fitting Dies
Marshall Richards Barcro Model 2-F 2-Die Swager
MacBee Accumulator/Dancer Unit
American Steel Line Payoff, Model 60-1000
Littel model 40-18 Automatic Centerless Reel-Payoff
Rod Flipper 6-Arm Rotating Payoff
Hall 20
Traversing Take-up/Re-Spooler
(5) Littell/ Amacoil Retrofit Dual Reel Traversing Take-ups
Hyster Forklift, 15,000 lb Capacity
Littell Single End Wire Winder
Hi-Draw 36
Davis 50
Tinius Olsen 60,000-Lb. Tensile Tester
Wilson Hardness Tester, Model 1JS
Fenn Model 5P Turkshead
Wire Shaping Line
Robinson-Renco Style Mesh Coiler
Mesh Coiling Machine
Davis style Mesh Coiler
Schlatter Model PG 16 Mesh Welder
Micro J5S Butt Welder
Electro-Apparate-Ba Buttwelder
Terkelsen Model 4-X Straight Length Wrapping Machine
Cousins Stretch Wrap Machines; Model HP2100
Wilton Semi-automatic Strapping Machine
MeliLink Fire Resistant Safe
42” dia. Powered Turntable
30” dia. Powered Turntable