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Comstock Industries
Venue address
23 Foundry Ave
Meredith, NH
United States
Comstock Industries

2-Day Auction: Precision Aerospace Manufacturing Facility Closure: 35+ CNC Machine Tools incl 5-Axis Machining, Fabricating, Robotic Welding & More

Auction dates
Starts: Dec 09, 2024 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: Dec 17, 2024 10:00 AM ET
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We found 26 items matching your search
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Dell PC Workstations & Monitors
Desk, w/ PC, HP Laserjet 400 Printer
Visio Mdl. E422AR 42
Table, w/ Brother printer, APC back-up
Vizio 1080P Mdl. GV47LFHDTV20H 47
Proxima Ultra Light X350 DLP Projector, w/ case
Dell Vostro I7 Desktop Workstation
Dell Precision Tower 3420 Desktop PC
Dell I7 XPS Desktop PC, w/ Dell 22
Dell Latitude I5 5580 Laptop w/ power supply
Dell Latitude 3460 Laptop, Intel Celeron 1.7GHZ Processor
HP Envy I7 Desktop, w/ HP 27
Dell Precision Tower 5810 Intex Xeon Processor
Cart w/ computer wires, network switches, etc.
Assorted Dell PC's
3-Tier NSF Wire Rack, w/ [2] Poweredge T-330 servers
Dell Vostro I7 Desktop Processor
Dell Precision Tower 5810 Desktop PC
Dell Optiplex 7010 Desktop PC
Dell XPS I7 Processor Desktop PC
Dell Optiplex I7 Processor Desktop PC
Toshiba E-Studio 2520AC All-In-One Photo Copier
Dell Vostro I3 Processor & Dell Precision Tower 5810 Desktop PC's
TCL 40
Dell Inspiron I5 Desktop PC, w/ Brother MFC-2710 Laserjet Printer