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Comstock Industries
Venue address
23 Foundry Ave
Meredith, NH
United States
Comstock Industries

2-Day Auction: Precision Aerospace Manufacturing Facility Closure: 35+ CNC Machine Tools incl 5-Axis Machining, Fabricating, Robotic Welding & More

Auction dates
Starts: Dec 09, 2024 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: Dec 17, 2024 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 157 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Section of Aluminum Clip Together Pallet Racking
Cobalt 2-Door Metal Storage Cabinet
(2) Small Parts Bins w/ Deltronic Pins
Lot of Teco Tool Tiedowns
(3) SPI Table Stands
(4) Sets of Table Stands
Sections of Aluminum Racking
Tool Scoot 50 Taper Tool Cart
Rolling Wire Racks - [1] NSE / [1] Metro (no contents)
Sections of Shelving (no contents)
Northern Air Corporation Mdl. AR-60001 Air Pollution Fighter
Northern Air Corporation Mdl. AR-60001 Air Pollution Fighter
Northern Air Corporation Mdl. AR-5000 Pollution Fighter
Northern Air Corporation Mdl. AR-6000/208V Air Pollution Fighter
Wire Metro Style Rolling Racks (no contents)
NSF Rolling Metro Style Racks (no contents)
Venturi Vaccon Vacuum Pump Regulators
Venturi Vaccon Vacuum Pump Regulators
NSF 6-Tier Rolling Metro Style Racks (no contents)
Plastic Stackable Shelves (no contents)
OHM Meters & Multimeters
Sections of Shelving - 72
2-Door Steel Cabinet, w/ contents
Kaeser Mdl. SFC-18 25HP Screw Type Air Compressor
Kaeser Mdl. ABT25 Refrigerated Air Dryer
Kaeser Mdl. SK20T 20HP Screw Type Air Compressor
Kaeser Mdl. TC-36 Refrigerated Air Dryer
Approximately 1,250-Gal. Air Storage Tank
Gorbel 2000lb. Capacity Bridge Crane System
Cantilever Rack, w/ aluminum stock
Single Sided Cantilever Racks
Single Sided Cantilever Rack
Single Sided Cantilever Racks
Single Sided Cantilever Rack
(3) 55-Gallon Drums w/ Scrap Aluminum & Scrap Tool Steel
Boxes of Irwin Quick Grips
Hillman Skates
Lot 584
Gorbel 1000lb. Capacity Free Standing Crane System
12' Rolling Stock Ladder
Fiberglass Ladders, ranging from 6'-10'
DeWalt Electric Dry Wall Drill
Raytech Tumble-Vibe 10
Aloris CA Tool Post & Aloris CXA Tool Post
Grease Guns
Lot 662
Grease Guns
Lot 663
Powder Fastening Systems
One Stage Mdl. 003-PT-30133 Vacuum Pump
400kg Magnetic Lifting Block
Sections of Shelving
6-Tier NSF Metro Style Wire Rolling Rack
Sections of Shelving w/ Contents
Sections of Cabinets, w/ assorted hardware
Sections of Shelving w/ Contents
Shelf, w/ regulators, bug remover, spill snakes, etc.
Lista 9-Drawer Cabinet
US General 42
US General 18
Waterloo / Sears Craftsman Rolling Toolbox