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Comstock Industries
Venue address
23 Foundry Ave
Meredith, NH
United States
Comstock Industries

2-Day Auction: Precision Aerospace Manufacturing Facility Closure: 35+ CNC Machine Tools incl 5-Axis Machining, Fabricating, Robotic Welding & More

Auction dates
Starts: Dec 09, 2024 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: Dec 17, 2024 10:00 AM ET
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We found 13 items matching your search
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Kurt Parallel Separators
Kurt Parallel Separators
Portable Refractometers
Digital Thermometers
2-Door Cabinet, w/ laboratory glassware
Bel Air Mdl. S8340-24 Ultrasonic Cleaner
Bel Air Mdl. USCM 1200 Ultrasonic Cleaner
Instek Function Generator
Brookfield Viscometer, Conductivity Meters
Tensile Tester, w/ Protek oscilloscope & Loadstar sensors
Security Tronix Thermometer
Portable Refractometers