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Scarfo Precision Tooling
Venue address
58 Maple Ave
Thomaston, CT, CT
United States
Scarfo Precision Tooling

Complete Closure of a CNC Precision Metal Fabrication Company Haas | Protrak | Hurco | Fadal

Auction dates
Starts: Feb 03, 2025 10:00 AM ET
Ends from: Feb 05, 2025 11:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 163 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Acer AGS-618 Surface Grinder w/ Magnetic Chuck
Famco 31 Press
Pro-Tech 6349 Double End Bench Grinder
Baldor 510 Double End Bench Grinder
Fuel Instruments Model R Hardness Tester
DeWalt DW871 14
Royal 42055 5C Collet Attachment w/ Assorted 5C Collets and Rack
(2) Coromant Capto Square and (2) Round Tool Holders
(2) Coromant Capto Square and (2) Round Tool Holders
(4) Coromant Capto Square Tool Holders, Misc. Capto Tooling
Box Lot of Capto Tooling, (3) Live Centers
(2) HAAS 1
Box Lot of Cut Off Bars, Boring Bars and Tool Holders
Box Lot of Hard Jaws (Fits Lot 16 HAAS ST-30)
Box Lot of Aluminum Pie Jaws (Fits Lot 16 HAAS ST-30)
Box Lot of Soft Jaws (Fits Lot 16 HAAS ST-30)
Box Lot of Aluminum Pie Jaws (Fits Lot 19 HAAS SL-20)
Box Lot of Hard and Soft Jaws (Fits Lot 19 HAAS SL-20)
Box Lot of Soft Jaws (Fits Lot 19 HAAS SL-20)
Mitutoyo 192-605 Digital Height Gauge, 12
(2) Chock Stands, (1) Height Gauge, (2) Indicator Stands
Micrometer Set w/ Box, Different Manufactures
Assorted Micrometers
Assorted Micrometers
Assorted Micrometers
Fadal VH65 4th Axis w/ 6
(12) 40 Taper Mill / Tool Holders
(6) Lyndex 40 Taper ER Collet Holders
(7) Lyndex & GS 40 Taper ER Collet Holders
(6) Lyndex 40 Taper ER Collet Holders, (1) Tool Setter
(5) Lyndex 40 Taper DA Collet Holders
(6) Lyndex 40 Taper DA Collet Holders
(8) Lyndex 40 Taper ER Collet Holders
(7) Teckniks & GS 40 Taper ER Collet Holders
(6) GS 40 Taper ER Collet Holders
Assorted Micrometers
Hardinge 2J Collet Attachment w/ Assorted 2J Collets
Imperial Eastman Kwikrimp K-20 DuraKrimp Pump
Box Lot of Tongue and Grove Soft Jaws
Box Lot of Mill Holders and Dead Center
Box Lot of Snap Jaws and Parallels
Box Lot of Various Parallels
Box Lot of NMTB Mill Holders
Box Lot of NMTB Mill Holders
Box Lot of R8 and C5 Collets
Box Lots of Flex Collets
Box Lot of Flex Collets, Clamps, Taps
Box Lot of Drilling Chucks
Box Lot of Indexable Drills, Boring Bars & Tool Holders
Box Lot of Indexable Drills
Box Lot of Various Collets
Collet Holder, Numerous Flex Collets
Box Lot of Flex Collets
Box Lot of Flex Collets